John 4:24 (King James Version) tells us that God is a Spirit: and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth; and He WILL NOT accept being less than FIRST PLACE in the lives of His children.

EVERYTHING that manifests on earth originated in the spiritual realm over which Jehovah has ABSOLUTE CONTROL.

EVERY person is a child of Jehovah who has a divine purpose on earth that was preordained in the spiritual realm; however manifestation is predicated on the acceptance of Jesus Christ as Lord & Saviour and OBEDIENCE to Kingdom Principles as per instructions in the Holy Bible.

Satan after being expelled from Heaven and cast down to earth was defeated on the Cross at Calvary by Jesus Christ but was granted permission by Jehovah to roam around earth in the spiritual realm like a lion to see who he might devour.

The Holy Bible tells us that ALL whom have NOT accepted Jesus Christ as Lord & Saviour WILL have NO protection and render persons ABSOLUTELY helpless in our own strength against the wiles of Satan; even Christians who are not walking in OBEDIENCE to Jehovah’s Kingdom Principles become easy victims of temptation to sin in spite of their assurance of a place in Heaven.

Christian men and women who allow themselves to become physically and emotionally entangled with others pursuant to satisfying their feelings, idiosyncrasies and selfish ambitions APART from Holy Bible teachings; have essentially CHOSEN to ABORT their Kingdom purpose although by Grace they are still assured a place in Heaven.

It is MOST UNFORTUNATE that the modern world is seemingly inundated with professed blood washed, born again, speaking in tongues Christians who are visibly seen to be PRIORITIZING selfish ambitions APART from Jehovah’s Kingdom Principles; effectively doing far more damage UNDERMINING Righteous living than reprobates and non-believers in Jesus Christ.

These are the Christians who are Satan’s  greatest allies causing many to be led astray by sin; giving credence to the LIE that being Blessed is a phenomenon purely denominated by one’s material existential accomplishments.

Contrary to popular beliefs, NOT every socially, financially and material existentially accomplished person is a manifestation of Jehovah’s Blessings; as rewarding selfish ambitions APART from Kingdom Principles in this regard is Satan’s go to strategy in furtherance of promoting his antichrist agenda to DESTROY souls.

The truth is that Satan is a master strategist who DOES NOT waste time on sinners and Christians who are already doing his bidding; because his raison d’etre is to prevent &/or DESTROY marriages according to Jehovah’s Kingdom Principles to prevent the establishment of Heaven on earth.

Satan promotes singleness and even some marriages on condition that they are NOT done according to Jehovah’s Kingdom Principles i.e. He incentivizes couples to NOT make Jehovah # 1 in their lives causing husbands to PRIORITIZE other women or interests over loving their wives like Christ loves the church and wives similarly submitting to seemingly ANYTHING other than their own husbands in pursuit of selfish ambitions.

It is no mystery or coincidence that the new world order is predicated on gender role confusion in order to make marriages irrelevant for physical, material existential success.

Spiritual warfare is at the root of every relationship discord; particularly in marriages where husbands and wives argue and compete for validation and affirmation APART from Jehovah’s Kingdom Principles.

Christian wives who put Jehovah FIRST PLACE in their lives KNOW how to willingly submit to their husbands as unto the Creator; she KNOWS from whence her blessings comes and will not allow herself to be lured into sin by Satan seeking his validation and affirmation.

Christian husbands who likewise put Jehovah FIRST PLACE in their lives will not be daunted by wives who are disrespectful as par the course when they seek validation and affirmation from the world; because he KNOWS that ALL good things comes to those who are OBEDIENT to Jehovah and will not allow their feelings to abort their blessings.

In practical terms Christian husbands and wives who make Jehovah FIRST PLACE in their lives WILL compete to “OUT SERVE” each other for the Glory of Jehovah INSTEAD of seeking self aggrandizement.

Christian husbands are spiritually empowered to serve their unbelieving wives unconditionally in the face of relentless disrespect; as are Christian wives being similarly empowered by the Holy Spirit to submit to their own unbelieving husbands even whilst they demonstrate their unworthiness with Believers in Jesus Christ having the assurance that Jehovah is the FINAL arbiter of ALL outcomes.

The world NEEDS Christian men and women to stand steadfast in OBEDIENCE to Jehovah’s Kingdom Principles to STOP Satan dead in his tracks; because as things stand right now the antichrist is having a field day in the world and it’s near impossible to tell Christians APART from unbelievers in Jesus Christ by way of their values and attitudes.

The spiritual warfare is such that EVERYONE is easily offended and in their feelings about EVERYTHING because of ignorance about Holy Bible teachings and Jehovah’s Kingdom Principles as the UNIVERSAL STANDARD for human conduct.

An overwhelming majority of persons are seemingly brainwashed intobelieving the lies of Satan that they can be the masters of their own destiny; hence the cutthroat miserable existence whereby EVERYONE is pursuing selfish ambitions at ALL cost and Holy Bible teachings be DAMNED.

UNTIL we return to Seeking First the Kingdom of Jehovah and His Righteousness Satan will continue to wage spiritual warfare to have his way on earth causing many to ABORT their divine Purpose.


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