Blind Love is Blissful…or Not?

Imagine how powerful and beautiful black families would become if BOTH the black husband and his black wife would consistently COMMIT to LOVING & RESPECTING each other as they seem NATURALLY to do when married to non-black spouses, particularly when of a Caucasian persuasion?

Migrating to Canada exposed me for the first time to a refreshingly uncharacteristic deep emotional affection and RESPECT from a Caucasian woman who seemed genuinely MORE interested in me as a person; UNLIKE what I was accustomed in Jamaica where there was seemingly a preoccupation with antecedents seeking to qualify and determine my prospects of enhancing their personal selfish ambitions predicated on material existential accomplishments &/or things.

The journey of PERSONAL discovery and exploration of a seemingly PURE friendship was REFRESHINGLY EXHILARATING; which in hindsight even Ray Charles could have seen this would have inevitably resulted in adultery after persistent and relentless CONTEMPT from a black wife had precipitated a physical separation one year earlier.

It is my assessment that black children are inadvertently socialized to reserve respect for non-blacks, white supremacist institutions and by extension the incumbents of positions within these organizations; whilst by default are hardwired to be self loathing which manifest itself as CONTEMPT for persons who are of our own ethnicity sometimes irrespective of class, status and irrefutable accomplishments.

One thing is for sure and it is that EVERY black person KNOWS precisely how to be extremely tolerant, RESPECTFUL and compliant with authority in furtherance of earning a living; but somehow are seemingly genetically predisposed to self hatred and having CONTEMPT for a spouse of our own ethnicity in contravention of doing marriage according to Jehovah’s Kingdom Principle.

It is VERY RARE to find a black man being married to a black woman in modern societies where it is being done according to Jehovah’s Kingdom Principles, in particular when the parties consider themselves accomplished independently of each other; because invariably BOTH husband and wife will be predisposed to allowing their perceived status outside of the home to supersede the COVENANT authority within the household.

The modern generation DO NOT find the Jehovah ordained institution of marriage attractive and a viable pathway for their existence because there a too FEW role models as husbands and wives; who are visibly and undoubtedly COMMITTING to their OWN husbands and wives as they OBVIOUSLY do instinctively to jobs, businesses, persuasions or persons they deem necessary for them to earn their respective economic livelihoods.

The overwhelming majority of marriages that are NOT anchored by Holy Bible teachings and Kingdom Principles WILL inevitably be reduced to constant emotional battles with a high propensity of escalating to the the physical; as respective husbands and wives are perpetually seeking to advance their personal idiosyncrasies at the expense of exercising OBEDIENCE to Jehovah’s COVENANT authority as the ONLY way to GUARANTEE peace and joy within the household.

The critical question arises as to whether the timeless chicken or egg approach to explaining why black husbands seemingly respond MOST FAVOURABLY to their non-black wives; as do black wives when married to non-black husbands is a profound manifestation of the deep rooted DISTRUST between the sexes attributed to Post Traumatic Slavery Disorder (PTSD)?

Marriages are INTENDED by Jehovah to be a COVENANT relationship between Himself, a husband and a wife; whereby the former is COMMANDED to love his wife like Christ loves the church and wives are to be SUBMISSIVE/RESPECT their OWN husband in furtherance of the FAMILY.

It is, however, patently obvious that the overwhelming majority of modern marriages between black couples have been reduced to being EVERYTHING ELSE but what Holy Bible teachings COMMANDS; as black husbands and black wives are seemingly predisposed to ONLY PRIORITIZE individualistic pursuits at the expense of FAMILY according to Jehovah’s Kingdom Principles with the ONLY exception being when married to spouses from other ethnicities.

Seeking First the Kingdom of Jehovah and His Righteousness WILL serve to mitigate the dire consequences of self loathing that continues to afflict the negro race in ALL spheres of human endeavors in spite of the tremendous strides being made by a few individually. 


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